Once upon a time, four Vault Hunters landed on the distant planet of Pandora in search of (you guessed it) a Vault, an ancient cache of alien weaponry. Unfortunately, the Vault was loaded not with loot, but an alien badass called the Destroyer, but the Vault Hunters beat the Destroyer and saved Pandora. The End. BUT then! Five years later, four new Vault Hunters descended on Pandora to free it from the tyranny of Handsome Jack, the president of the Hyperion Corporation. Also, they were after another Vault. Also, Handsome Jack was after the same Vault because he knew an ancient alien entity called the Warrior was locked inside it. With the Warrior, Jack wanted to scour Pandora with cleansing fire. The new Vault Hunters and the old Vault Hunters united and fought Handsome Jack and the Warrior, killing them both. The End. Now, let's all go out for ice cream... SPOILERS BELOW!!!
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September 2016